Colorado|GMU 11 - Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties
The large elk herd occupies all available habitat. The later seasons are usually better, especially ... Create a free account to read the overview!elk Hunting Information
The large elk herd occupies all available habitat. The later seasons are usually better, especially ... Create a free account to read the rest of this access note!
The rut can start as early as the 1st week of September and run for around a month.
elk Draw Odds & Harvest Success
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The lower elevations of 6,000ft consist of sage and sage steepe. piñon and juniper cover the upper ... Create a free account to read the rest of this terrain note!
Public land in this area is somewhat steep with 80% of the area having a slope equal to or less than... Create a free account to read the rest of this terrain note!
Overall access is easy and 4WD is not necessary in most areas. Hunting pressure is heavy.... Create a free account to read the rest of this terrain note!
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