New Mexico|Game Management Area 32 - De Baca, Eddy, Curry, Roosevelt, Lincoln, Guadalupe and Chaves Counties
Some hunters, however, prefer to sit near water sources and wait for the bucks to come in for a drin... Create a free account to read the overview!Like HuntScore? Get The BaseMap Huntplanner!
deer Hunting Information
GMUs 2B, 21, 23, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36 and 37 consistently have the highest deer harvest and many hunte... Create a free account to read the rest of this access note!
The rut can start as early as late October and run through late December.
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deer Draw Odds & Harvest Success
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Although this area isn’t the first place that hunters think about when looking for a record buck ... Create a free account to read the rest of this terrain note!
Public land in this area is relatively flat with 80% of the area having a slope equal to or less tha... Create a free account to read the rest of this terrain note!
State Land Office property and BLM land is checkerboarded in these GMUs and access is gained through... Create a free account to read the rest of this terrain note!
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