Today we are excited to announce that businesses can now advertise directly to HuntScore website visitors and users. Hundreds of thousands of unique users use HuntScore to pick and plan their hunts. Using HuntScores's business advertising, a company can create a profile advertisment and select the states, species and units they'd like their ad displayed on. This allows small and medium sized outdoor businesses to reach the users most interested in their services. Stop competing on big tech platforms with major outdoor retailers and clothing brands with huge marketing budgets. Keep your ad dollars in the hunting ecosystem and targeted at the hunters most likely to want your service.
Below we'll walk through how HuntScore business advertising works. If you are a guide or outfitters serving a specific geographic location, use HuntScore to get directly infront of hunters considering applying for or holding tags in your area. You may offer pack animal services (llamas, goats, horses, etc...) for backcountry hunters. Advertise your animals in only the most rugged and remote units to the hunters actively researching those units. Or perhaps you are a landowner charging trespass fees or offering a landowner tag. Get in front of hunters so they know what you have to offer. Even local sporting goods stores, lodge owners and others can now advertise directly to hunters researching their area.
Getting Access
To access HuntScore's business advertising, simply create a user account and then shoot us an email with the title Advertising Partner. Tell us a little about your business and who you'd like to advertise to. Once your approved, you'll have access to the Business Advertising tab.

After you have access, you'll want to complete your business profile advertisment. Upload an image that fits well with a 250x250px size and is under 1.5MB. Be sure to complete all the contact information. Ads will pull in the most current profile information. So whenever it is updated, the ad will change.

Once your business profile is complete, head on over to the advertising options page. There you'll be able to create advertising segments. A segment is a state, species and collection of units. You can select as many or as few as you want.

Once a segment is created you'll be able to see the cost of that segment and estimated number of ad views you'll receive. As a general rule of thumb, we price around $5 per thousand views. Comparable rates on Google, Facebook or other large ad networks would easily be $10-15 per thousand views. HuntScore wants to connect relevant businesses with sportsmen and sportswomen, so we've made it affordable for small and medium sized businesses to reach hunters.

When you are ready to purchase a segment, simply select buy segment. You'll be able to enter your credit card details and purchase the segment.
- All ads run for 365 days from the date of purchase
- Ads can take up to 24 hours to start displaying due to site caching
- Ads pull the current business profile information. If you alter it, the ad will alter.
- If more than 3 businesses advertise to the same segment, advertisements will be randomly selected and reset approxiamately every 24 hours.

That is it! That is all there is to it. Your ad will display on every unit page that you selected. Any hunter researching the unit will be exposed to your business!
If you need to stop advertising to a segment, simply delete the segment. Once a segment is deleted, the ad will stop showing within 24 hours. There are no prorations or credits for ads that are stopped early.