Hunting Statistics for EE039O1A

Score data and limited license draw statistics for first season either archery all hunting in Colorado's GMU 39 - Jefferson, Clear Creek, and Park Counties.
GMU 39 - Jefferson, Clear Creek, and Park Counties


Ease of Drawing
Trophy Potential
Public Access
Ease of Terrain
Room to Breathe
Ease of Effort

Draw Odds

With all things equal, draw odds is the percent chance you'll draw this tag as your first choice hunt. Depending on the state draw these odds represnt:

  • For preference point only states (i.e. Colorado) or bonus point states (i.e. Montana) these stats are an average of resident and nonresident chances regardless of preference points or bonus points. Ulitmately you'll want to scroll down and refer to preference points or bonus point odds in these states.
  • For states with a random draw only (i.e. ID) or preference point + random draw (i.e. WY) these stats represent the random draw portion. So study them closely to see your odds of drawing.

Last year the average draw odds for hunt EE039O1A was 37.03%.

since last year

License Quotas

Quotas are the number of limited licenses up for grabs. Quotas are only set for limited license hunts. As you probably guessed, there are often different quotas for residents and nonresidents. Obviously, over-the-counter licenses are not shown in this graph.

Often state agencies do not report actual resident/nonresident quota breakdowns. They'll say that they will be determined at the time of the draw. In those cases, we'll try to calculate an estimated quota based on actual historical draw results.

Last year the total quota for hunt EE039O1A was 80 licenses, and 57 licenses were reserved for residents.

No change
since last year

Total Licenses Drawn

Was the quota met in the draw, or is there a surplus of leftover tags? In popular units, there's rarely any surplus. It's worthy of note to mention that just because there may be a surplus, that doesn't mean that those licenses will be available to purchase as a leftover license.

Last year, there were 80 tags drawn, and there were 0 leftover tags (after the draw) available for hunt EE039O1A.

No change
since last year

First Choice Applied

How much competition do you have? Let's face it, in many competitive units when you don't get your first choice, you're not getting a tag.

Last year, there were 216 hunters who put hunt EE039O1A as their first choice.

-24 apps
since last year

Preference Points

Min Resident Points: 2 Drawing Odds @ 2: 80.0%.
Min Non-Resident Points: 2 Drawing Odds @ 2: 83.0%.

In the past year, here's the breakdown of the number of points that applicants had prior to applying for hunt EE039O1A.

Preference Point Creep

In some very popular units in states where preference points are utilized, there's a problem we call point creep. And unless you've already collected a bunch of points in that state, you're probably best to bypass these hunts. It can be quite nasty.

HuntScore Tip

Always apply for the unit that is your first choice if your goal is to accumulate points for use toward a future quality hunt. Points needed can change significantly from year to year.

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